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  • Pic Capital Greek Symbols 2 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write the names of the given Greek alphabets used in Maths and Science.
  • Pic Greek Symbols 3 Time: 120 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write the names of the given Greek alphabets used in Maths and Science.
  • Prime Numbers 4 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    list all the prime numbers between 150 to 200 in sequential order.
  • Sum of the first n natural numbers Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate the sum of first n natural numbers for given number n.
  • Pic Capital Greek Symbols 1 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write the names of the given Greek alphabets used in Maths and Science.
  • Sum of the first n odd natural numbers Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate the sum of first n odd natural numbers for given number n.
  • Logical Reasoning 5 Time: 360 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Test Your Knowledgable about Logical Reasoning.
  • Pic Greek Symbols 2 Time: 120 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write the names of the given Greek alphabets used in Maths and Science.
  • Cubes 1 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write cubes of the given numbers.
  • Logical Reasoning 9 Time: 360 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Test Your Knowledgable about Logical Reasoning.
  • Quick Math - Subtraction 1 Time: 90 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Subtract the numbers as fast as possible. You have only 90 seconds.
  • Fibonacci Sequence Time: 120 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Complete the Fibonacci sequence (0,1,1,.............,233)
  • Logical Reasoning 7 Time: 360 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Test Your Knowledgable about Logical Reasoning.
  • Square Roots 1 Time: 240 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write square roots of the given numbers.
  • Profit Percentage Time: 240 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate the profit percentage (on cost) in given cases where C=Cost price and S=Sale Price.Round off up to two decimals.
  • Perimeter Of Rectangle 2 Time: 180 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate the perimeter of rectangle from the given values (l,w) where 'l' denotes length and 'w' denotes width of the rectangle.
  • Types of Triangles Time: 180 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Name the types of triangles based on given hints.
  • Area of Rectangle 2 Time: 180 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate area of rectangle from the given values (l,w) where 'l' denotes length and 'w' denotes width of the rectangle.
  • Sum of the first n odd natural numbers Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate the sum of first n odd natural numbers for given number n.
  • Perimeter Of Rectangle 1 Time: 180 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate the perimeter of rectangle from the given values (a,b) where 'a' denotes length and 'b' denotes width of the rectangle.
  • Prime Numbers 2 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    list all the prime numbers between 50 to 100 in sequential order.
  • Sum of the first n even natural numbers Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate the sum of first n even natural numbers for given number n.
  • Factorial 1 Time: 240 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write factorials of given numbers.
  • Triginometric Functions Time: 90 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    List six basic trigonometric functions. Use there full names and not the short forms.
  • Quick Math - Division 1 Time: 90 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Divide the numbers as fast as possible. You have only 90 seconds.
  • Logical Reasoning 6 Time: 360 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Test Your Knowledgable about Logical Reasoning.
  • Area Of Triangle 2 Time: 220 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate area of triangle from the given values (h,b) where 'h' denotes height and 'b' denotes base of the triangle.
  • Sum of the first n natural numbers Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate the sum of first n natural numbers for given number n.
  • Trigonometric Values Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write down the value of each of the stated trigonometric functions. For infinity or not defined values write NA. For fractional values write the number upto two decimal places i.e. 1/3 is 0.33.
  • G.C.D ( H.C.F) - 1 Time: 240 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Give the greatest common divisor of the given sets of numbers.
  • Quick Math - Subtraction 2 Time: 90 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Subtract the numbers as fast as possible. You have only 90 seconds.
  • Cubic Root 1 Time: 240 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write the cube root of the given numbers.
  • Unit Conversions - Length Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Give values for each of the below units.
  • Square 1 Time: 240 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write squares of the given numbers.
  • Time and Work 2 Time: 600 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Let\'s see how good you are when it comes to work and time calculations.
  • L.C.M - 1 Time: 240 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write the least common multiple (L.C.M) of the given series of numbers.
  • Sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate the sum of squares of the first n natural numbers for given number n.
  • Logical Reasoning 8 Time: 360 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Test Your Knowledgable about Logical Reasoning.
  • Sequence of Numbers Time: 210 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Determine the name of each sequence of numbers.
  • L.C.M - 2 Time: 240 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write the least common multiple (L.C.M) of the given series of numbers.
  • Quick Math - Addition 1 Time: 90 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Add the numbers as fast as possible. You have only 90 seconds.
  • Area Of Rectangle 3 Time: 180 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate the area of rectangle from the given values (l,w) where 'l' denotes length and 'w' denotes width of the rectangle.
  • Logical Reasoning 4 Time: 360 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Test Your Knowledgable about Logical Reasoning.
  • Logical Reasoning 1 Time: 360 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Test Your Knowledgable about Logical Reasoning.
  • Area of Rectangle 1 Time: 180 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate area of rectangle from the given values (l,w) where 'l' denotes length and 'w' denotes width of the rectangle.
  • Area Of Triangle 1 Time: 180 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate area of triangle from the given values (h,b) where 'h' denotes height and 'b' denotes base of the triangle.
  • G.C.D (H.C.F) - 2 Time: 120 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Give the greatest common divisor of the given sets of numbers.
  • Logical Reasoning 3 Time: 360 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Test Your Knowledgable about Logical Reasoning.
  • Reverse Factorial Time: 200 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write the number whose factorials are given below.
  • Logical Reasoning 2 Time: 360 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Test Your Knowledgable about Logical Reasoning.
  • Sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Calculate the sum of squares of the first n natural numbers for given number n.
  • Types Of Polygons Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Name the polygon based on the given number of sides.
  • Pic Capital Greek Symbols 3 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write the names of the given Greek alphabets used in Maths and Science.
  • Prime Numbers 1 Time: 180 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    list all the prime numbers between 1 and 50 in sequential order.
  • Sequence of Numbers Time: 210 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Determine the name of each sequence of numbers. Do not write words like numbers, sequence or series after the name of the sequence.
  • HCF 10 Time: 200 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    find the highest common factor of the number
  • Time and Work 1 Time: 600 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Let's see how good you are when it comes to work and time calculations.
  • Quick Math - Addition 2 Time: 90 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Add the numbers as fast as possible. You have only 90 seconds.
  • Pic Greek Symbols 1 Time: 120 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    Write the names of the given Greek alphabets used in Maths and Science.
  • Time and Work 3 Time: 600 seconds To win: Points and XP Details Play
    Let\'s see how good you are when it comes to work and time calculations.